2017 Year End

2017 was a great year for me and my blog. I went from 0 subscribers to 24. I started a  new gaming section with my friend @mistercrickster1 that it is doing amazingly in term of views and likes. I want to thank everyone who read, followed and share the stuff about the blog.  I would like to give some updates about me and the blog. Continue reading

Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu

This is an anime that have everything I ask for, it’s tense, it’s packed to the ceiling with intense moments, one after another, it’s a non-stop flow of everything, everything is just amazing the conversations are amazing, and the soundtrack is totally fucking awesome, the story is impactful, there’s constantly things happening, and you get everything explained as you go, the pacing is never weird and it just doesn’t break. Continue reading