Dragon Dentist: OG OVA at its best

In a fantastical place called Dragon Country, there exists dragons ( not the European GOT versions; they look like the SEA versions to me) but more importantly, dragon dentists. These “warriors”/cleaner fight the bacterial monsters thriving upon the dragon’s teeth in order to keep the dragon healthy and functioning. Sensei here” Man if this was the USA or Europe the dragons would need a lot of dental coverage for all their teeth hey tanteikid94” Yes sensei, they would, but lucky for them they are not humans, let get to the review.

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Koe no Katachi, The Voice of Feels

koe no katachi.png

I dare say that in some aspects, it is better than a Ghibli film; the ambient piano background music really matches with parts of the film, and the use of marimbas and even silence at the dramatic climax worked out well.  Although I  know don’t much about music, so I won’t talk about the music much. This movie is about acceptance, self-forgiveness and a boy that could be you or me’s journey for redemption.

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Are You Tired of Christmas Carol or The Grim Who Stole Christmas? Let’s Talk About Tokyo Godfathers.

Christmas has always been a time for family, where you meet with family and friends, and you celebrate by eating and drinking and give each other presents. Christmas is a time for reflection, cheers, and marry laughter. I have always enjoyed Christmas TV episodes and movies: Elves, Christmas Carol, Dr. Who Christmas specials or Home Alone. My brother and I would watch these movies and more with our parents; we would feel the magic of Christmas even if we didn’t celebrate it.

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Kimi Na Wa or Your Name

Shinkai returned to his favourite theme of longing and separation as he brought us Your Name. Your Name is a vehicle that transports us the viewers into a world of magic through scenes of nature, astral magic and Mother Nature’s disasters. These uses of bright colours, camera work and sound would put many live-action blockbusters to shame, while there is almost hallucinogenic effects in the movie’s environmental scenes will move us to tears.

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YuGiOh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions, Nostalgia Done Halfway

Kaiba’s a bad ass the movie is the real name of this movie

Kaiba isn’t in denial of magic anymore and we get to see this in movie,  but what’s more is that we see him missing his greatest rival. His passion to defeat his rival is so great that he invents the worlds most advanced holographic systems in through the a statelight in space and then even later on, breaks the barrier between dimensions just to play a card game.

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Bone’s Samurai Movie Sword of the Stranger

The Sword of Stranger castWow. This movie has left me nearly speechless. There are scenes in it that are shocking, jaw-dropping, amazing…if you haven’t seen this movie yet, and you like action movies, with a good plot, solid characters, and the best action sequences I’ve ever seen in an anime, then beg, borrow, steal…er, do whatever you can to get your hands on it. You won’t regret it. Take my word for it. I was really lucky to have seen this at my anime society. Continue reading